Eight Capital Partners plc’s shares are traded on the AQSE Exchange Growth Market (formerly NEX).
Symbol: ECP
To see Eight Capital plc share price and latest trades click here
Number of securities in issue : 47,673,251 ordinary shares of 0.40 p each.
Number of deferred securities in issue: 135,041 of £9.60 each.
No securities are held as treasury shares.
11,39% of Eight Capital Partners’ shares are held in public hands.
There are no restrictions on the transfer of shares.
The main country of operation is United Kingdom. Incorporated and registered in England and Wales with registered number 09301329.
Eight Capital Partners plc is subject to the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.
As at 23 January 2025, as far as the Directors are aware, the following shareholders are Company Directors or interested in 3% or more of the issued share capital of the Company.